With 15 years experience making custom lampshades and a background in sewing along with an understanding of how best to use fabrics and trims, Amore Lampshades offers lamp shade repairs and restoration (where possible - see below for what I look for in a restoration project...) to have these old lampshades looking fabulous for many more years!
Regularly receiving work from all over Australia, Laura offers consultations in person at her workroom or remotely via phone, email and video call.
Lampshade Repairs: Amore Lampshades is happy to assess your lampshade (just send me photos of the damage) and I'll let you know my opinion if the lampshade can be repaired, along with a cost estimate and perhaps if it's better to make new rather than repair.
Lampshade Restoration: from very early in my lampshade business, I have been requested to do restorations and honestly it's a part of my business that I love, and I take great pride in bringing old, worn and torn lampshades back to life! If it's of an era that didn't use glues in applying trims etc., then I too will ensure the same methods of construction are used.
When restorations are requested I look for the following:
that the original frame is still in relatively good condition, by that I mean: if the frame has surface rust and is out of shape and bent, then all these things can be fixed in-house when the frame is stripped back, so it's good for a restoration.
If there are breaks to the welds these also can be fixed in-house as part of the restoration
Condition of trims. Sometimes it might be desired to keep the original trims, if they are still in relative good condition, this will be discussed and agreed with you what the best approach might be.
Recommendation on best fabrics to use